Monday, October 19, 2009

Long time no write

Well it has been a while since I last typed a blog. Just so you can catch up with me and my life, I think the last time I typed a blog was when I was 14 years old but now I'm 15 years. I turned 15 at August the 19, and I was born in 1994. I used to always be aware about the things around me. Just so I can see if I can find anything to type up in a blog. Well, here's some of the things that I thought I should share.

First of all allot of things have changed in my life. Last year I was trying SO hard to be mature and a little older than my age. I always thought that if I act older than I really am, than more people can respect me and treat me as an adult. But that wasn't really what I was supposed to do. Proverbs 3:3-4 saids, "Don't ever forget kindness and truth. Wear them like a necklace. Write them on your heart as if on a tablet. Then you will be respected and you will please both God and people." That was a verse that I picked out of the book of Proverbs to share with my youth group and to tell them what I learned from this verse. I really think that as months went by I learned allot of things about life, how I just need to learn to let myself grow up and as I experience every day life, I will learn new things and things that have answered allot of my life questions. I have had some conversations with friends about things that I have always wondered about and why they have to be that way. But mostly I just needed to focus on allot of important things like school and most relationship with God. God is the one who gives us wisdom. Wisdom helps us to grow and to know more things about life that will help you along the path of life. Some of my friends has always told me to never let anyone tell you about what's wrong or what's right. You have to chose whether or not those are the things you should be listening to, things that you shouldn't be doing. I have learned that there is a consequence in everything. Like for example, I always thought that drinking is wrong but the bible didn't say that drinking is wrong, it just says, don't get drunk. I just chose not to drink because I don't know if I can keep myself from getting drunk. So I chose not to drink. If there are allot of other things that I want to know if there right or wrong, then I just need to go and look it up in the bible or I can just ask some like my youth leader or, my perents, but really I just need to find the consequence on whether is right or wrong.

So all I need to do is to just live life one day at a time. You never know if your going to learn something that you have never heard or learned of. I kind of like talking to my brother and sister in law (your like "kind of???") because they always give me something to think on. I love life so far. Haha!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Gods love, Our love

For you all know Michael Jackson died on a Thursday of June, and some of you may be a little happy that he’s dead or some of you may even be sad or some of you may not even want to think about it. But I just wanted to share and remind you about a few things about Gods love for each and every one of us on this earth. You all do know that God loves every single person on this earth. Even those who have had allot of trouble in there life and chose to live a life with out God. Those who chose to drink and do drugs and murder people. God still loves those who have sinned against him and laughed at those who believed he was real. Gods love is so amazing and so real. And of course some still wonder why he still loves those hypocrites.

When I heard that Michael Jackson died, I was shocked. After a while I ran into my room heartbroken and extremely sad. I became confused on why I am sad and heartbroken for him? Why do I feel sad for a person who chose to live a life of sin? Some of us may think they know all about the “bad” things he’s done in his life. We think about him being the person who lived a life of sin and didn’t care about God. But we don’t know all about his life and his beliefs. Some people think that Michael Jackson didn’t take care of his children and was a bad father, but than why did his children cry and show sadness for there father at his funeral? Allot of us think a little to much about the mistakes he made in the past. We think about it so much where we think of him as a bad person. God himself knows about his life and his reasons for his mistakes. He knows all the things we don’t know about him. He see’s him as a totally different person than we see him. And right now we should know that God himself is heartbroken that he died. God loves Michael Jackson, not of his life but of his heart. He doesn’t think about the bad things he did in life. He thinks about him as his child.

My point is to this that when I heard that he died and when I was crying, allot of thoughts came into my mind. I kept asking God questions about why did Michael have to mess his face up. What was his “reasons” for changing his looks. Why did he do all those things in his life. But then I started to wonder, did he know that there was even a God? Did he know but just decided to live on his own? We don’t know if we gave his life to the lord the last few minutes of his life. He had a few Christian friends and we don’t know if they have been witnessing to him and he could have gave his life to the lord just a few weeks before his death. We don’t know. God probably already forgave him for his mistakes. But then I just realized that I was sad because he lived a life with out him. And I just pray for his family that people will witness to them and tell them about God. Then I started to think about every single person in my life and in this world who live a life almost like Jackson’s.
I started praying for every single person in this world and that I would understand his love for every each and one of us on this earth. Michaels death has made me want to go out in the world and witness to those who are doing drugs and alcohol. We never know if that a lot of people may be living a life with out even knowing that there is some one who loves them more then they know. Then I became mad at myself for not thinking or praying for Michael Jackson and now that he’s dead I’m praying for him. I should have been praying for him and his family and realizing that some one needs to go to him and help him. I was reading the bible when I was trying to find a verse about Gods love for each of us when I asked my mom finally for a long search of trying to find the right verse and she told me about Jude 1:17-23. “Dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ said before. They said to you, ‘In the last times there will be people who laugh about God, following their own evil desires which are against God.’ These are the people who divide you, people whose thoughts are only of this world, who do not have the spirit. But dear friends, use your most holy faith to build yourselves up, praying in the holy spirit. Keep yourselves in the God’s love as you wait for the Lord Jesus Christ with his mercy to give you life forever. Show mercy to some people who have doubts. Take others out of the fire, and save them. Show mercy mixed with fear to others, hating even their clothes which are dirty from sin.”

I wish some of us Christians would stop making jokes involving Michaels death or being happy that he is actually dead when we should be thinking about God’s love for every one of us. And be praying for his family and those who need to be rescued from living a life of hell. Start being serious about Gods love and OUR love for others. Read Jude 1:17-23 again if you need to. God wants you to love others and that’s one of the things he wants us to do. He also wants us to go to those who are suffering. So I want ya’ll to read Jonah chapter 4. Read the whole chapter and think about what I have been talking to you about on here. Thanks for taking your time to read this and feel free to comment.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Love for God

My love for God is strong. Whenever I think of the name Jesus I always take my time and to think of only him. I think of all the things he has done for me in my life. He has giving me the greatest gifts that I could ever have! He has giving me family, friends, and Jesus..Gods Son. I have been thinking about a couple of things these past few days. First of all, I have had my mind on Mothers Day. I have been thinking about my mom and how much I love her and every thing she has sacrificed for me all because she just loves me. I don't know what I would do if she wasn't in my life. I have been thinking the same thing about every single person in my life, my friends, family and God. And then another thing that I have been focusing on about was, if I can show my love to my parents in front of every one even my friends, than why can't I express my love for Jesus in front of my family and friends. I know some people that when ever they think of Jesus with out taking there time to just think about him they just say "oh yeah he is amazing yeah I love him" but there not stopping and thinking about all the things that he has blessed them with. If you want to feel God overwhelm you with his Love and his words in your mind, then just sit in your room or some place quiet where there is no one bothering you. Just think of every single person in your life. Just imaging what life would be with out the people you love. Yeah you wouldn't want to think about that at all because you just want to think and believe that there going to be there for you all the time. And its true. Read the bible because that's not just a book full of words or rules..its a love letter...from the king himself! =)Don't think that that your not loving God or showing are. We each have our own special way of showing the love for him. He, Jesus, God the savior of all he wants us to show our love for him by loving others...even showing your love to those that you don't like or who you disagree with. I love every one of you guys and you are special to me. If you feel like I'm ignoring you just tell me because if you tell a person what you feel about him/her than it will open there eyes and know what your feeling or what ever so they can get to know you more or they will know that they won't have to do it again. I want to do another thing to show that I love God. I want to dance and just close my eyes when ever I hear his name because his name JESUS is the most special name in the world. I also want to be able to express my love for him and others in words and in notes like this one. Here's another thing I want you to know. Don't be afraid to tell a person who is not a christian or who might be an atheist...don't be afraid to tell them or show them that you love God. If you hear the name Jesus or God or savior of all just dance and shout out his name. Just maybe think of it as a game like if you hear a word you clap. Just do it because you love him. Don't think about yourself....only about God because all you want to do is to please him and to show him that you love him. =)I love every one of you!! you are the greatest gift that God himself has giving me. Even if you are a guy your still my friend and a gift. =) I love you guys so much! and I pray that Jesus will look over you every minute, hour, and day. And that he'll bless you for all the good things you have done for others and him. Thanks for taking your time to read this. Love ya!! =)

Monday, April 20, 2009


Hey I know its been a while sense I typed my last blog...but I just don't really have any thing in my life to type about. But right now I'm making my diary (its a note book,) not the kinds with a lock on it and where you have to carry your key around. I'm making a cover for it that is pictures and sketches that I all of a sudden draw. Its going to be a diary that I'm going to let my husband and children read..and maybe my whole family read one day. And they'll see how my life was back then and all the secrets that they didn't know about. Then they'll see how good of a SH (secret holder) I am. ;] all I have to do is to carry a little notebook around all day with me and if anything new happens, I'll just write down little notes to help me remember (or otherwise I won't know what to put in my dairy at night) and then when I get home and the day is over, I'll just write down how my day was. =] its as simple as that. Also if there's anything interesting that I wrote in my dairy I might (i said I just might) type about it on here. =]

Of course you all know that I'm a daydreamer....mostly all I day dream is REALLY crazy and weird. That's how my mind is. when some thing happens at a store or restaurant I just think about what would of happened if I did that or this. Some times I day dream about things that I wish could of happened besides what already happened. But mostly, I'll just day dream about every thing. I'm a huge fan of day dreams! I love daydreaming all day and I mostly day dream while I am during my school work. I know! I know! I can't do that but I just can't help it! =S

Thursday, March 26, 2009


What do you think about gossiping? Well what I think about gossiping that it hurts people, when the secrets come out there is no way of keeping people from hearing them. I have had alot of friends getting there feelings hurt from them when they found out what that person said about them. When some one talks about one person and says things like "oh she's so not the girl for that kind of guy!" or "I think that they may have a thing?" First Timothy says "They will be judged for not doing what they first promis to do. Besides that, They learn to waste their time, going from house to house. And they not only waste their time but also begin to gossip and busy themselves with other people's lives, saying things they should not say." So saying things that is none of our bussiness about that other person behind there backs is gossip. And sure anough...that is sin.Proverbs 18:7-8 "The words of fools will ruin them, their own words will trap them. The words of gossip are like tasty bits of food. People like to gobble them up." You are not only hurting that person but you are hurting yourself and we have to be careful of what we say or you'll lose that friend and may lose others too. also Proverbs 11:12-13 says " People with out good sense find fault with their neighbors, but those with understanding keep quiet. Gossips can't keep secrets, but a trustworthy person can." So be careful to who you tell your secrets too because you may never know if they might tell another person too.Also you really need to try and avoid gossip like proverbs 20:19 says "Gossip can't keep secrets, so avoid people who talk to much." Some times we don't need to tell a friend about every thing that is going on in your life. We don't need to stick our noses in other peoples bussinesses because its their lives and not ours. So we don't need to be going around saying things about them and say things like "Oh I hate her/him so much I just wish she/he would dissapear!" If they hurt your feelings and say things about you that is not true and gossip about you don't even think about trying to get them back or it'll only make things worse. So all we have to do is to ask God to take the hurt away and pray for that person who hurt you and ask God to forgive that person and that you will still be friends with that person. We always have to forgive and you know the saying "forgive and forget!"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Random things

Every day I have been thinking. I am 14 years old and there are allot of things that I want. Not like a hair straightener or a new cell phone...some thing like trust and love. I know some teens that are my age that can be...well crazy and out of there minds. All they care about is there cell phones and boys/girls. For me I'm not wanting any of that stuff. Some people say that I'm a regular teenager that likes boys and every thing a teen girl likes. Well they don't know who this girl is at all. Of course I may have a little crush on a guy but that's normal for any girl. But this girl is a girl who wants to focus on family, friends, God and..........well school. I do want to get better at learning so I can be in High School next year.

Every day I think of memory's from when I was not a teen. I think about when I asked my parents questions when I was clueless about some thing. Like for a TV show. There were allot of TV shows like CSI or Numbers. I used to drive my parents nuts by asking them ALLOT of questions of what was going on, on the show. But now my parents drive me crazy when were watching TV. Go ahead and ask a question and I'll answer. (if it involves with my favorite TV show) I'm 14 and is still learning about life. I think I know every thing but I don't. But I do know allot more things than most people think I do.

Some people will give me things or tell other people who ask about me and tell them things that are completely opposite than from who I am. Allot of people I know, still don't really know me but start judging me for who I am even when they still don't know me VERY well. Like every one says "Don't judge a book by its cover, read it first than judge or don't judge at all" That's the same thing for people. I have judged some people with out getting to know them and then when I do get to know them, there not the person who I thought they were, every one has done that. And every body knows about judging. But some people do it with out even realizing or some people judge them on purpose. The only person who can judge some one is God.

If you are wondering what I think of who I am than here is what I'm going to say.

First of all...I'm a girl who is a dreamer. I dream random things almost every time and I daydream WAY to much. I have a big imagination and I love sharing my imagination with my nephews and nieces and allot of kids who I babysit. I like playing outside and doesn't care about getting sweaty, but always tries my best to stay clean and tries not to stink....
I'm getting to where I take a shower every day, brushes my teeth that is followed by flossing, and washing my mouth with mouth wash (I know I'm sounding stupid for saying that even when you know that I do do that...) . Also I'm starting to take care of my hair and etc. Just any thing a girl or a adult woman who takes care of her looks and her body. Now enough about that. I love playing sports and playing games on the computer. I am home schooled. I have a hearing loss. And I'm thinking allot but I think I'm thinking a little to much.....(uuhh I know that seemed a little confusing...) I have always done some things that have got me in trouble for not stopping before doing some thing and think about what your doing. But I'm trying and is still working on it. As you can see, I'm a girl who tries to show her family that I'm not a little girl any more and that I have allot of responsibility's that I try to get done. First of all I want to earn is my brother and sisters trust of me being with there kids alone in there house while there gone. I love babysitting and taking care of little kids or helping out in the nursery at church. My number one favorite thing in the world is my family, friends, and also God!! =] I'm gentle but still can be tough when it comes to rustling with my nephews, I love being nice to people (I'm serious) I just hate being mean to some one or hurting there feelings. I like being a teenager and who doesn't?
I can be a little weird and crazy but that's just me. I can be really quiet around some people but with others, I can be outgoing with. I like talking with adults more than talking with people around my age because they understand you more and knows how to answer your questions. I'm sort of a girly girl but mostly a tomboy. I love clothes, I like T-shirts with funny phrases or some thing that shows who I am. I love skinny jeans with flairs. I love tennis shoes but not the kinds that are big but the ones that fit around your feet good and that are light. I love wearing layers. My favorite colors are all the cool colors (green, purple, dark blue, blue, light get idea!) I hate it when people ignore me or call me weird or don't except me for who I am. And most importantly I am a girl who loves God and who loves being there for a friend when they need a friend to talk about some thing in there life. I love listening to my friends and what they have to say and that's when they trust me. I just love it when some one just sits by you and looks up to me and knows that I'm there for them no matter what. Even if its a grown adult.

I know that I wrote allot about myself and I know that for those who know me and is my friend or relative, you may know allot about what I just wrote down already. But I just wanted to tell you about some things that you may have not known. Allot of people say that I'm one of a kind. Why don't you became my friend and give me your trust so I can be there for you even if you way older than me. =]

-Your trusting friend, Carissa

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Question

There is a small group that I go to every Wednesday at my co-op. A few of my friends get together and pray for each other-talk about life problems and know that God is the one that can fix that. We also ask each other questions about things from the bible, like this one question that my friend Megan asked us when we were talking about faith and standing up for what we believe in. she asked us and said, "If there is this situation where a gun is pointed straight at your head and the gunman asks you, "Are you a christian?" What would you say?" do you have enough faith to stand up for what you believe in, in a time like that? For me...I don't know, but I do know that I'm not ready for that kind of situation yet but I would do any thing to be ready. But I know that I have enough faith to tell any one that I'm a christian and that I love God with all my heart.

There is this one story about this girl who went to public school. She was a christian and she takes her bible to school everyday and when ever she has a free time she always goes to the school library and reads her bible there. Well one day she was in the library reading the bible when all of a sudden there comes a a person with a gun in his hand and points the gun straight to her head and asks, "Are you a christian?" the girl says, without hesitation, "Yes I'm a christian" and then the gunman asks "Why" and before the girl could answer the gunman shoots her. Later the gunman kills a couple of other Christians that were at that school. What I really liked about the true story was that the girl actually told the gunman that she was a christian. She stood up for what she believed in even when a gun was pointed straight at her head.

I really look up to her and I want to be able to have faith like that. I want to be ready if that ever happens to me. But before that ever happened to that girl, she told her mom that she believed that God was telling her that some thing was about to happen. And so she got ready. I don't think that will happen to us with out a reason. That would have to happen in the right time. God chooses the right time and plans out your future.

I have been thinking about this allot and I have asked myself many times, if that time comes...will I be ready? My mother has told me that if some thing happens like that, you will not be alone. God will always be there for you and even in things like that. He will tell you what your supposed to say. He might not even want you to say yes. But maybe if you say yes then some thing will happen to the gunman like he will get confused at your boldness and forget what he was about to do.

But yeah...its your turn to think it out. What would you do if a gun is pointing straight at your head and the gunman asks you, "Are you a christian and do you believe that there is a god?" what would you say? I want your honest appinion.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hearing loss, Reading lips

As you all know I have a hearing loss. And those who don't know what a hearing loss is when a ear doesn't have a nerve in there ear that works and one of my nerves don't work so I can't hear as well. But lucky me! I can read lips. But I can't read lips when some one is trying to say some thing to me by just mouthing it really big. They have to just move there lips like normal or other wise I'll think your trying to be stupid. Some people get hearing loss when there old like around 70 and up. Well for me...I was born with a hearing loss.

My mom and dad have told me that when I was just a baby and I was strong anough to sit or cral, I would play with my toys and not hear a thing of what is going on. But when they will say "Carissa! looky here!" I will not turn my head towards them like I heard them. And if the T.V. was on too loud and I was asleep I will not wake up and hear the T.V.

When I was finaly around 4 years old and I still couldn't hear. My perents was getting worried that I could be deaf. So they took me to the ear docter for a check up. And the ear docter told my perents that I had a hearing loss. They were dissapointed becuase I couldn't really hear any thing but the ear docter told them that when I get older my hearing will get better but I'll still not hear like ya'll can. But thank God they made hearing aids. There little thing-a-mu-jigs that you put in your ears that'll help you hear. But to tell you the truth I like having my hearing aids off. I kind of like having a hearing loss and don't get me wrong. Its just whenever its loud in a sertan place I can always take off my hearing aids and all I hear is a buzzing sound. My hearing is alot better than it really was when I was younger. So yeah I can read lips. Like the people who are blind can hear really good. And the people who are deaf are sensetive when they touch things.

P.S. Don't tell any one of my secret power! (reading lips is a power!)

-Carissa Jacobs

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Growing Up

Every day when ever I'm alone and just daydreaming, I think about what its going to be like when we grow up. I can't even immagine myself having a job and all my friends are gone and have there own life. I can't even think about it. I love them all so much and I can't bare see them go. But that's just life and we all have to grow up. But the good news is that there all Christians and they all love God so much that we will see each other in Heaven some day. I love the feeling of it knowing that when we die we go some place special together. But when my grandmother (My dad's Mom) died two years ago, I had to see my dad be heart broking about his mom who he has been living with all his life and who had been taking care of him and watched him grow up. And that made me think about my brothers and sisters and also my parents. I can't dare see them go leaving there children behind. And of course they will be grown up but watching the people I love and had been living with my whole life and scary! Now I must know how its like for other people who's family members die. But what really gets to me is that they will be going to heaven and they will be there when we die. Just think about that so you don't have to be so sad about not being able to see them anymore. =]

Swing Dance Party

On Friday the 13th of this month, I went to a Swing Dance Party at my friends house. But really it was Zack's and Josh's house. This was the first time I went to a guy friends house, But my mom knew the boys and there parents so all was OK. But that night was AWESOME!!! I learned swing dance and danced with all my friends, even with a couple of my close guy friends. They were really fun to dance with. The party was 6:30-10:30. I got there around 7:00 and stayed there until almost 11:00. I have never gone to a dancing party like that in my life. While I was at that party I felt like a teenager(But not a crazy teenager if I may correct). I knew everyone there and I was impressed with some of my guy friends because I didn't know that they could dance at all. I got really close to some people there. I danced with every one there except for two people, which were Zack and Taylor. And those two guys...I didn't even think they could dance AT ALL!! my friend Taylor was a FANTASTIC dancer! He and my close friend Katherine pared up and did a allot of tricks that was from Swing Dance. They did a awesome job and every one loved watching them dance together. But then after a while we all got tired from dancing and we all went outside. The House was big but VERY pretty and so was the backyard. They had a pond in the back and when Zack was telling us the rules for Hide And Seek he told us, "We also have a pond in the back so don't fall in." It was dark then because it was around 9:00. We all enjoyed playing Hide And Seek in that backyard in the dark. All the guys loved it. So did I because I am mostly a tom boy and I lived in Midlothian for 6 years and that's was got me used to being outside allot. They also had a tree house and that was the place that I was hiding during the game. Then my friend Alex fell and hurt her foot so we had to go back inside. we danced some more while I stayed with my friend Alex. After a while my friends Tory, Jared, Abby, and Zack and I went outside and sat in the tree house and watched the others dance inside the house. (The room we were dancing in had a whole wall that was a window so we could see in) We all had an awesome time. And I was glad that I went. I am glad that my friends were not the kind of teenagers who do bad dancing or who were not christians and all that but all of them were christians and all we just did a swing dance and we all love God!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Things That Pet Birds Can Do To Get Into Trouble

David got a parrot for his birthday. This parrot was fully grown with a bad attitude and a dreadful vocabulary. Every other word was naughty or rude. David tried very hard to change the bird's manners. David would always say polite words, play soft music-anything he could possibly think of to set a good axemple, but nothing worked. David was getting really frustrated. He yelled at the bird, and the bird got worse. He shook the bird, and the bird got angrier and even more rude. One day, David felt so desperate that that he picked the parrot up and put it in the freezer. for a few moments he heard the bird squawking and flapping: then suddenly everything was quiet. David was worried that he might have hurt the bird and quickly opened the freezer door. The parrot calmly stepped out onto David't arm and said, "I am so sorry that I ahve offended you with my language and actions.and I beg for you forgiveness. I will try to corrent my behavior. David was amazed at the great change in the bird and was about to ask what caused it when the parrot continued, "My I ask what the chicken did?"

A lady was walking past a pet store when a parrot said, "Hey lady! your really ugly!" The lady was angry but continued on her way. On the way home, she passed by the pet store again, and the parrot once more said, "Hey lady! your really ugly!" She was enraged now, so she went into the store and said that she wanted the bird disposed of. The store manager apologized profusely and promised that he would make sure the parrot would'nt say it again. The next day, she deliberately passed by the store to test the parrot. "Hey lady!" it said. "Yes?" "You know."

Mrs. Peterson phoned the repairman because her dishwasher stopped working. He couldn't accommodate her with an "after-hours" appointment, and since she was to go to work, she told him, "I'll leave the key under the doormat. Please repair the dishwasher, leave the bill on the counter, and I will mail you a check. By the way, I have a large Rottweiler inside named Killer. He won't bother you. I also have a parrot, and what ever you do, make certain you do not talk to the bird!" Well, sure anough the dog, Killer, totally ignored the repairman, but the whole time he was there, the parrot yelled and screamed, about driving him crazy. As he was ready to leave, he just couldn't help himself. He looked at the bird and said, "You have annoyed me all morning. Be quiet!" To which the bird replied, "Killer, get him!"

I hope you enjoyed the jokes! I'll be writing some soon. =]]

Things That Pet Birds an do to get into trouble

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cleaning Mode!

Well today I'm in a cleaning mode! I feel like I just want to get this house clean and spotless! Maybe I should get myself ready and start cleaning on the kitchen some before my mom gets home from the dentist! ;D

Monday, January 26, 2009

An Alligator Joke

This is one of my favorite jokes in the world! When I first read this joke, I couldn't stop laughing my head off! no one notice that I was laughing because all they were seeing was me rolling on the floor with my mouth wide open with no sound coming out. When I laugh at a joke that is really good, I can start laughing so hard I can't even make the laughing sound come out. Well any ways here's the joke. Enjoy! =]

Once there was a millionaire who had a collection of alligators. He kept them in the pool behind his mansion. The millionaire also had a very beautiful daughter who was single. One day he decided to throw a huge party, and during the course of the party he announced,"Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a proposition for every man here. I will give one million dollars or my daughter to the man who can swim across this pool full of alligators and emerge alive!" As soon as he finished his proclamation, there was a large splash. There was one man in the pool, swimming with all his might and screaming with fear. The crowd cheered him on as he kept sprinting through the water. Finally, he jumped out on the other side with only a torn shirt and several minor injuries. The millionaire was awestruck. He said, "Sir, that was amazing! I didn't think it could be done! But, I must keep my end of the bargain. Do you want my daughter or the one million dollars?" The guy answered, "I don't want your money or your daughter. I just want the person who pushed me into the water!"

Did you like it? haha I know you did! =] well I got this joke from this book called "Noah's favorite animal jokes" Soon when I dont' have any thing else to write about, I will type down the joke for Ya'll. =D

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Dream

I just had a dream last night and it kept on continuing when I went back to sleep (I was waking up allot) So I decided to type it down and let you read my dream.

I was a girl who lived in Italy, she was following a guy who she calls master. The streets were flooded from a bad storm. I past by a crowd of people who were listening to a man who was standing on a stage. The water was up to there waist but they paid no attention to the water like it was normal. My master takes me into a bar where only two people were there. There was a woman who was tall, had black hair that was put up in a bun. She was holding a baby who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. The woman was walking towards the back door. I called after the woman and said "Hey where are you going with that baby?" The woman answers "I am going to go put the baby in the garbage" I stopped the woman and take the baby feeling bad for the little child, my master and the owner of the bar said to each other "The girl has passed" I didn't know what they were talking about but held the baby in my arms who was looking up at me. The baby was a beautiful one, she had golden hair and blue eyes. my master and the bar owner continued talking to each other, I listened to there conversation while the wife of the bar owner looked at me in disgust. The master said "This baby is one special baby, and this girl is to mother it until it is old enough to go on its own". "But she is only 14 and she doesn't know how to take care of a baby!!" yelled the woman. Her husband said "This girl is special too, and she is already taking care of some other kids" The woman said. "yeah like she is also taking care of a 15 year old boy!" "she is taking care of him because he is awfully sick and needs looking after" said the master. "He is working for money and he cant go on being sick" The master whispered to the bar owner and the wife and says, "I have been taking the boy to the doctor with out her knowing and the doc says that the boy is not getting any better" And with that the master takes me with the baby in my arms and leaves the store. "Be careful not to get the baby wet!" the master warns. "yes master". (I just woke up right after I said that and than after a few minutes I fell back to sleep)

I was in an apartment and I was walking down the hall. I go into this room where three kids are sleeping. The 15 year old boy wakes up and says "There you are! Are you OK? and whats that in your arms?" I walk up to the boy and show the little baby to him. "Wow! that is one pretty baby! just like you" he said. I could feel my face going red and with a look in the eyes and a thank you, I walk off to find a bed for the little one. While I walked around the room the boy watched me. I put the baby on my bed and take the pillows I have on there and put them around the baby so she wont roll off the bed. The boy was right, the baby is one pretty girl. But I didn't think I was pretty even though every one around the village thought I was the prettiest girl in the whole village but I didn't think so. All the woman here in Italy were beautiful in there own way. I smiled at that thought. The boy calls for me to come and sit by him, I walk over to a chair and take it by the bed setting it down carefully so I wouldn't wake up the little ones. "Are you OK Peter?" I say grabbing his warm hands. He looks me into my eyes and keeps them there. He smiles, I smiled back. Peter says "You don't have to take care of me because I am about to die any ways, and I can feel it." I stare at the handsome boy who has blond hair and golden eyes. He was tall for his age. His skin was pale from sickness but I remember how it looked when he wasn't sick. He was always happy and full of energy, and when ever some one is troubled or hurt he was always there for them. He and I knew each other for as long we can remember and I was the first one he would talk to every morning. He knew when I was mad or sad, or just troubled about something, and he knew that I was troubled at this minute. He asks me "whats wrong?" I tell him what happened at the bar and what the woman was about to do with the baby, and that I was angry at her. I asked Peter "Why does every one say I am special?" Peter answers "because you have a special power that no one knows of" I didn't know what he meant by that and then asked "what do you mean?" Peter tells me and says "You will find out soon and I know it. I have known you for too long and I just know that you are special" after he says that he falls into a peaceful sleep knowing that I would be there to watch him and protect him. I rested my head on his chest still holding on to his hands. Then all of a sudden I hear myself start humming one of Peters favorite songs. After the song ended I bring my face up to his and whisper "I love you Peter". (Then I wake up again)

In this dream I was walking by the side of the road watching the cars pass by. I wasn't in Italy anymore. I was in Texas. The Sun was shining bright that day so it was really warm. I was feeling really sad that I had to move back here. I was sent here to a family who needed a daughter my age. I was 15 now, it has been a year since Peter and my master had died of sickness. The other two kids that I was taking care of was sent off to a nice family who wanted some twins. The baby was now a year old and my master sent the baby with me. I was by Peter's bed when he died. He was holding onto my hands telling me that he loved me like crazy and he wanted me to never forget that. He died holding me in his arms and I could see on his face that he was smiling peacefully. I wouldn't talk to any one after his death because I knew my life was nothing now with out him and the little ones who I loved dearly. I was shocked that God would actually take him away from me, my one true love, who was perfect. My thoughts were interrupted by a hit in the head with a football. A 16 year old boy named Zack came running to me and helped me up on my feet saying "I am so sorry Carissa!!" I looked up at him and gave him a forgiving smile, he smiled back. Then I walked off with out saying a word. I was afraid if I let my mouth say something then I would burst out crying for my loved one Peter. Zack knows that no matter what, I will not say a word. I can tell that he is sad for me every time he sees me not smiling. I felt like I would explode from sadness so I went into a yard in the other side of the house where no one can hear me and started crying.
I knew that I had people who cared for me but I felt like no one in the world cared at all that I was grieving. I could remember watching my master and some other people in Italy I loved be taking up into heaven. But what really bothered me was that I didn't see Peter go up to heaven. But he was a good person who loved God and I knew he is in heaven. I could feel my face being red and covered in wet tears. I could feel Gods love wrap around me telling me that he loves me and he doesn't want me to feel sad. But I refused to be happy, there was no point on being happy. I fell asleep on the fresh green grass that was soft and fell into a deep sleep. I dreamed of a fairy coming to me saying that I could wish one thing I wanted in the whole world more than anything and then it would be granted, and I knew what I wanted so I told the fairy my wish. The fairy said "Your wish is granted" after that I woke up (that was weird because I woke up in my dream) looking around the yard feeling embarrassed that I fell asleep on the grass. I thought to my self that that was one weird dream of a fairy who was granting me a wish that I knew would never come true.
(I woke up again after that...I know I woke up allot)

I dreamed that I was in one of the bed rooms sleeping. Zack and the rest of the family was sleeping down the hall. The house that I was now living in was a two story house. I woke up and sat straight up on my bed looking around the room listening. I thought I heard a voice calling out to me. Then I heard it again. But it wasn't the voice I heard, it sounded like crying. I ran out of the room and ran towards the crying person. I skidded to a stop in front of a bedroom door. I heard a girl crying, so I opened the door and peeked in. It was one of the twins who was crying. One of them was a boy and the other who was crying was a girl. Her brother was in a deep sleep on the top bunk and his sister was on the bottom. I walked to the 5 year old girl and hugged her. "whats wrong bunny?" The little girl looked up at me with those big brown eyes and said "I had a bad dream! and I am afraid if I go back to sleep I might dream the dream again!" I felt sorry for the little girl so I told her to lay down and I sang a song. That song that I was singing was one of Peters songs and I tryed hard to not cry in front of the girl. In a few minutes the little girl fell asleep in a deep sleep. I could tell on her face that she was having a good dream. I smiled but then it faded when I remembered the song I just sang. I ran out of the room, down stares, and into the back yard. I stopped crying and looked around not knowing why I ran outside instead of my room. I just decided to lay on the hammock and look up at the stars. There were no clouds tonight and the stars were shining bright. I was about to fall asleep on the hammock when I heard a sound. At first it was tapping but then there was some music. I didn't know where the music was coming from but it just kept getting louder and louder. The yard was full of lightning bugs, it was a beautiful sight. The stars and the moon shining brightly and the lightning bugs flying around lighting the whole yard and the music sounding so pretty. I thought I was dreaming again so I pinched my self trying to wake myself up but it didn't work. "ugh I am going crazy!!" I whispered to myself. The music was so pretty and it filled the whole yard with music. The fireflies looked like they were dancing along with the music. I thought that was so cool that this was happening so I just told myself to calm down and just enjoy the beautiful sight, and I did. With out knowing, I jumped out of the hammock and started dancing with the fireflies along with the music. I stopped at the sight of fireflies forming the shape of a person. The person brought out his hand like he was asking me if I wanted to dance. I couldn't stop myself before I started dancing with the person. The person looked familiar and I knew it was a boy. the fireflies formed as a boy started trolling me around and then the person exploded into a bright light and turned back to fireflies again. And then I heard my self laughing in pleasure. I was surprised to even hear myself laugh. I haven't laughed since the death of Peter. All of a sudden the music stopped and the fireflies stopped moving and every thing froze, even I. I didn't know what was going on and then all the fireflies darted into a circle forming a ball. Then the ball started moving towards the ground. The ball exploded into a bright light, so bright I had to cover my eyes to keep them from going blind. I looked towards the light and saw a light that was shaped of a tall boy. I couldn't see who the boy was because it was just a light shaped of a person. I could see some thing flying around the head of the boy and then I thought that could be his long hair blowing from the wind. The boy starts walking towards me with light shining from behind him. The light was so bright I couldn't see who the figure was. I was a little frightened of the figure and I didn't know why I was but I went ahead and took a step backwards. The figure stopped about five feet from me. I could tell that the figure was a boy but really tall. I just stood there motionless not moving an inch. The boy stood there motionless with out moving an inch. Then I heard a sight from the boy like a sight of relieve. The boy brought his hand out, he had some thing in his hand. I took the object from his hand and found that it was an apple but a gold apple. The boy said "take the apple and take a bite out of it" I was startle for a second because I knew that I have heard that voice before but I couldn't remember where. I took a bite out of the golden apple. It was sweet tasting and for a second I thought I was going to faint but then I felt relieve in me, like a hole in my heart is filling back up again. The apple disappeared but then a hand took hold of mine. I looked up and I saw the boy but he was still a light. He was now about a foot close to me and boy was he tall! He was a foot taller than me so I had to look up. He was so bright but past that light I could see a warm face that was smiling big. The face looked familiar. I squinted careful not to let the light burn my eyes. The boy seemed to notice that my eyes were kind of hurting so all of a sudden he took both of my hands and held them tightly. The boy turned into a human boy instead of a light boy. The boy was still tall but his hair was golden blond, his face was beautiful, his eyes were of golden color, his smile was a pretty one too. His shoulders were strong looking and his arms were long and his hands where big but gentle. The boy looked so familiar. I noticed he was staring at me with out a smile on his face like he was worried. I stared into his eyes and said "Is that you Peter?" I notice that I was almost shaken and he noticed too. So he got closer and wrapped his long arms around me like I was a little child. He was so big and so handsome. "it is me my girl" I found my self crying and I didn't know why. he pulled me away holding my shoulders and asked "Why are you crying?" "Aren't you glad that you have found me?" and then I said "How can this be happening?" Peter looked into my eyes and smiled that beautiful smile I have always adored. I asked my self saying is this really happening? As soon as I knew this was real I took my arms and swung them around Peters neck and held on so he would never leave. He did the same. "Why are you here?" I asked him. "Because I saw how sad you were and I couldn't dare let you live a life like this so I had to come" I asked him eagerly saying "So you are staying here forever?!" He looked at me with sad eyes. "No I cant. But I wish I can because I love you so much and I miss holding you like this" I was disappointed at the answer. He backed away and I tried holding on to him but he was to strong. He brought out his hands and asked if I wanted to dance. I said yes and took his hands. He held me close and I rested my head on his chest. A slow but pretty song started. "Hey that is one of your favorite songs Peter!" "Yes it is but you mean, our favorite song" I loved the way he said our song. Peter and I danced the whole night while talking, telling each other what we missed about each other. While we danced the fireflies danced around us forming shapes. The music slowed into an ending and I knew the whole night of dancing was over. He backed away looking at me from head to toe examining me. I just looked at him smiling. He smiled and said "You are more beautiful than the last time I saw you" I smiled even bigger and walked up to him and said "You are more handsome than the last time I saw you" his eyes sparkled when I said that. He looked from behind him and said to me "Well I guess this is it" I was confused at what he said then asked "What do you mean by that Peter?" "I have to go back now. I have to go back to heaven" and with that he took hold of my face and gave me a kiss. Then he looked at me one last time and then turned around towards the light. I ran after him and called him. He turned around and I almost knocked him down but he balanced him self. I hugged him hard afraid that he would leave me forever. He whispered in my ears and said that he will come back to me but only in my dreams. I whispered back and said "I love you Peter and never ever forget that!" Peter kissed me on my cheek and gave me a squeeze. He let go of me and looked at me one last time and smiled his breath taking smile and turned to the light and then disappeared. Then the light was gone and the yard was pitch black. I went and laid on the hammock with a sight of relieve. I was surprised I didn't even miss Peter...yet. I looked up at the stars and remembered witch star Peter had showed me that was his favorite and that he named that star after me. Just then I noticed that there was a star right next to it, it was so close that it looked like that star was embracing the star that was named after me. I called that star Peter. I whispered to my self and said. "I love you Peter" and with that I fell into a peaceful sleep dreaming of my love Peter. (and that's when I woke up)

I hope y'all had fun reading this. I still can't believe that I wrote allot but its true that my dream was long. I know some parts of this was weird but after all it was just a dream. I still can't believe that I had a dream like this. I could remember the dream so good that I just decided to type it down. I hope you liked this dream. Thanks for taking your time reading this and I will be writing more blogs or more dreams. =]

Monday, January 12, 2009

Is There A Reason?

Have any of you thought that God does every thing for a reason? well I have. For the past few days, every thing was all about Obama. I wondered why God didnt let Mccain win, and why God let Obama win? Why do alot of people at my church vote for Obama? surely they want to save the babys but then why did they vote for him? Maybe they think that taxes are more important than babys. Are taxes human? or babys? the babys are!!

But then back to the reason. Why did God let Obam win? what do you think? well what I think is that God wants us to do some thing. We all know that we want abortion to stop, but than why are we not doing any thing. I mean you and I! not other people.

I believe there is a reason why God Let Obama win. Do you know why?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The unanswerd question is...will her true love find her?

My heart, oh my beautiful heart! So full of love, beautiful, and connected. But alas! my heart is not beautiful, but once was. My heart is shattered, faded, but still my heart.....still some pieces left...held together by the Lord God Almighty. Who Loves me dear. The missing pieces of my heart is taking from another heart who belongs to a once love. Oh that shattered heart belongs to a girl who tries to find her missing pieces. After years of search she still hasn't found him. Her hope is starting to disappear to the middle of the Earth where love is taking and never exists. 7 years of search she looks but is at the edge of a cliff where she will drop her last piece of hope. The heart of the girl is puzzled and doesn't understand why her heart wont disappear completely. The 14 year old girl who stumbles in a life who is troubled, Even though she knows she is loved by her friends, family, the one and only God, her hearts hole only gets bigger and bigger. Her only chance is to find her love. But she knows that boys are not smart enough to even notice her. She doesn't believe she will find him. The only unanswered question is...will her true love find her in time before she drops her last piece of her heart and love?

I just found this some where on the Internet some time ago and to my surprise, forgot which website I found it in. I just fell in love with this poem. I want to know what you think of it. It said on the website that the poem will continue later when this girl finds out whats in the future. thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this.

P.S. It said they do not know who the writer of this poem is.

Another one of my crazy thoughts

Every time I go to a restaurant or some place, I have this feeling that tells me not to think of anything stupid. And I think "Why am I feeling this?" and a thought comes into my head and answers that question. "Maybe there is some one here that can read minds" I know that's stupid to think that and every one knows that we don't have the power to do that.

God is the only one who can know what your thinking. He can do anything! Anything you can imagine! Did you know that there is an angel who watches over kids in heaven and has the wings of a rainbow? well there is!

If you have been to PF Chang's, Have you seen the statues of those horses in front of the building? Well, here's another thing, some of the horses in heaven are that big! Angels who fight off the demons ride those horses and there the most beautiful creatures ever!

My mom has read a book about this woman who was sick, while she was in a coma, her uncle (or brother, I'm not sure. its been along time since I read this book) who has died of sickness comes to her and takes her up to heaven. She and an Angel explores all of heaven. While I read this book (sure I have read it too but not much) it made me see heaven in another way.

Its the best book ever!! BUT......there is a book about hell. this woman gets to walk with Jesus by his side and explore hell. I only read a little bit because it was too horrible to read and sad. Those books are true. Some may think its just a made up story, but the writing in it....who can ever think of anything like that!

If you want to read any of those books look up the writer. Her name is Mary K. Baxter. The three books I know she wrote are The power of the Blood, The book of Heaven, The book of Hell, The book of Angels. I all hope you read about The Book Of Heaven. Its the best book ever!

Fun fact! Did you know that you can say race car backwards? Look at the two words Race car. Isn't it cool!! =D

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

True Love

Have you realize that there are millions of girls out there dreaming of there first love. They go on and on about them selves dreaming of there first kiss and true love. I do have to admit that there are some girls who do find there love. I know some woman who only has had one boyfriend and that boyfriend is there husband. People has told me that true love doesn't exist, some people has told me that is does exist. What do you think? is it real? Why don't you take a minute. If you are married, think about your husband. Is he the guy you have dreamed of? well some married woman say he is her true love, Some woman say that they thought was her true love but then end up in a divorce.

What about loves first sight. I have some friends who tell me that they have experienced love at first sight and now there married to them. Alot of married couples do have happy endings and some don't. I know that may sound pretty obvious to you but after all, this is my crazy thought.

When you were a teenager did you ever think that you will never find a husband or a boyfriend? imagine your self sitting on your bed asking your self "Am I ever going to have a husband?" Well looky here! you are married to the guy you love. He may have not been the guy you wanted but still he was the right one for you. You tell yourself every day that he was made for you and that God made him for you to be your soul mate. You didn't marry a guy to have children for to keep the human race going. (I know that may sound stupid the way I wrote it) You married him because you loved him.

I know that guys can be dumb and do crazy things with out thinking. Some guys can be lazy and sit around all day, without helping his wife with the kids or with the house work. BUT! some guys can cook and do some of the house work while the wife sits around all day being lazy. Some people have told me that there isn't one guy who is perfect. There cant be a guy who is all about being romantic. But believe me when they find the right woman, there going to try with all there might just to make there woman happy. And there trying and it may seem like there not but they are. There just not so mature (if you are a guy reading offence)

I have something I want you to do. If you are a married woman, I want you to take a whole day of thinking about your husband. Ask your self "Was he the guy I've always wanted?" or "Did God make him just for me?" yes God made him just for you. That is pretty obvious. =] I know that you love your husband and you wouldn't for the world trade him for any thing else. I just wanted to write this down to make you realize how much you love your husband. And if you are a married man, do the same for your wife. (that is, if your not so dumb)

Well that was my first thought. I all hope you enjoyed reading this. You may already know about this but I just wanted to write and down. Please comment me and tell me what you thought about the blog. Thanks!! =]

-Carissa Jacobs (this one just a fun thing that I did, can you guess what it says?)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hey there! Yes this is my first time blogging on here! I'm really excited about doing this and sharing my crazy thoughts. My mom says I have the craziest imagination and that I should use my imagination and write a story one day. Writing story's isn't my thing, but I try every once in a while but it doesn't work. But I do write down my thoughts and dreams that I have and then let my friends read them. They enjoy reading my thoughts and courage me to write more, so here I am with my own blogging account, about to type all of them down. I hope that all of you enjoy reading them. Thanks =]