Monday, April 20, 2009


Hey I know its been a while sense I typed my last blog...but I just don't really have any thing in my life to type about. But right now I'm making my diary (its a note book,) not the kinds with a lock on it and where you have to carry your key around. I'm making a cover for it that is pictures and sketches that I all of a sudden draw. Its going to be a diary that I'm going to let my husband and children read..and maybe my whole family read one day. And they'll see how my life was back then and all the secrets that they didn't know about. Then they'll see how good of a SH (secret holder) I am. ;] all I have to do is to carry a little notebook around all day with me and if anything new happens, I'll just write down little notes to help me remember (or otherwise I won't know what to put in my dairy at night) and then when I get home and the day is over, I'll just write down how my day was. =] its as simple as that. Also if there's anything interesting that I wrote in my dairy I might (i said I just might) type about it on here. =]

Of course you all know that I'm a daydreamer....mostly all I day dream is REALLY crazy and weird. That's how my mind is. when some thing happens at a store or restaurant I just think about what would of happened if I did that or this. Some times I day dream about things that I wish could of happened besides what already happened. But mostly, I'll just day dream about every thing. I'm a huge fan of day dreams! I love daydreaming all day and I mostly day dream while I am during my school work. I know! I know! I can't do that but I just can't help it! =S