Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Gods love, Our love

For you all know Michael Jackson died on a Thursday of June, and some of you may be a little happy that he’s dead or some of you may even be sad or some of you may not even want to think about it. But I just wanted to share and remind you about a few things about Gods love for each and every one of us on this earth. You all do know that God loves every single person on this earth. Even those who have had allot of trouble in there life and chose to live a life with out God. Those who chose to drink and do drugs and murder people. God still loves those who have sinned against him and laughed at those who believed he was real. Gods love is so amazing and so real. And of course some still wonder why he still loves those hypocrites.

When I heard that Michael Jackson died, I was shocked. After a while I ran into my room heartbroken and extremely sad. I became confused on why I am sad and heartbroken for him? Why do I feel sad for a person who chose to live a life of sin? Some of us may think they know all about the “bad” things he’s done in his life. We think about him being the person who lived a life of sin and didn’t care about God. But we don’t know all about his life and his beliefs. Some people think that Michael Jackson didn’t take care of his children and was a bad father, but than why did his children cry and show sadness for there father at his funeral? Allot of us think a little to much about the mistakes he made in the past. We think about it so much where we think of him as a bad person. God himself knows about his life and his reasons for his mistakes. He knows all the things we don’t know about him. He see’s him as a totally different person than we see him. And right now we should know that God himself is heartbroken that he died. God loves Michael Jackson, not of his life but of his heart. He doesn’t think about the bad things he did in life. He thinks about him as his child.

My point is to this that when I heard that he died and when I was crying, allot of thoughts came into my mind. I kept asking God questions about why did Michael have to mess his face up. What was his “reasons” for changing his looks. Why did he do all those things in his life. But then I started to wonder, did he know that there was even a God? Did he know but just decided to live on his own? We don’t know if we gave his life to the lord the last few minutes of his life. He had a few Christian friends and we don’t know if they have been witnessing to him and he could have gave his life to the lord just a few weeks before his death. We don’t know. God probably already forgave him for his mistakes. But then I just realized that I was sad because he lived a life with out him. And I just pray for his family that people will witness to them and tell them about God. Then I started to think about every single person in my life and in this world who live a life almost like Jackson’s.
I started praying for every single person in this world and that I would understand his love for every each and one of us on this earth. Michaels death has made me want to go out in the world and witness to those who are doing drugs and alcohol. We never know if that a lot of people may be living a life with out even knowing that there is some one who loves them more then they know. Then I became mad at myself for not thinking or praying for Michael Jackson and now that he’s dead I’m praying for him. I should have been praying for him and his family and realizing that some one needs to go to him and help him. I was reading the bible when I was trying to find a verse about Gods love for each of us when I asked my mom finally for a long search of trying to find the right verse and she told me about Jude 1:17-23. “Dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ said before. They said to you, ‘In the last times there will be people who laugh about God, following their own evil desires which are against God.’ These are the people who divide you, people whose thoughts are only of this world, who do not have the spirit. But dear friends, use your most holy faith to build yourselves up, praying in the holy spirit. Keep yourselves in the God’s love as you wait for the Lord Jesus Christ with his mercy to give you life forever. Show mercy to some people who have doubts. Take others out of the fire, and save them. Show mercy mixed with fear to others, hating even their clothes which are dirty from sin.”

I wish some of us Christians would stop making jokes involving Michaels death or being happy that he is actually dead when we should be thinking about God’s love for every one of us. And be praying for his family and those who need to be rescued from living a life of hell. Start being serious about Gods love and OUR love for others. Read Jude 1:17-23 again if you need to. God wants you to love others and that’s one of the things he wants us to do. He also wants us to go to those who are suffering. So I want ya’ll to read Jonah chapter 4. Read the whole chapter and think about what I have been talking to you about on here. Thanks for taking your time to read this and feel free to comment.